Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 2 EOC: Ethics and Advertising

There are a lot of unethical ads coming about now a days, but is it hard to figure them out or no? For today’s blog I wanted to talk about LancĂ´me and Maybelline ads being banned in Britain. The chief executive of the Advertising Standards Authority Guy Parker states:

“If advertisers go too far in using airbrushing and other post-production techniques to alter the appearance of models and it’s likely to mislead people, then that’s wrong and we’ll stop the ads,” 

“Advertisers must be able to provide appropriate material to us to demonstrate what retouching they’ve done in the event we question them, and they mustn’t mislead,” - Guy Parker.

According to Maybelline they admitted to post-production techniques meaning a lot of photo shopping involved. As customers and as a girl who would buy this “type” product would love to see the more natural aspect of the brand being advertised, however according to Guy Parker he states that;

However, the beauty firm said it believed the image accurately illustrated the results the product could achieve.” - Guy Parker

A lot of big people in the advertising agencies when it comes to models or even ads, Photoshop is always the first option because the point is to sell the product but I feel as people get so use to making something look “good” to the point where it can get a bit unethical. Now with he two products, having the models they have are a great idea because their skin is really nice BUT when it comes to buying the product and after some uses of the product, not seeing great results is not a plus because that’s where false advertising comes in. Overall I feel as both brands are super products. Either photo shopping or not as long as the product does what they are trying to portray is the key.

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

My aspiration in the field and marketing is to first design my own line of clothing which would be named "Beauty" by- Gabrielle. This will be a universal line of fashion and cosmetics, as well as many other women's hair, nail etc. products. This line will also include many separate divisions and collections. The earliest and most important collection would have to be the "Princess" collection. This specific collection will consist of everything and anything involving clothing. There will be reasonable pricing on everything involving this line. There by making it possible for more customers to be able to purchase these items. Also reasonable pricing on these items will make it possible to be sold in bigger more vast variety of stores and other shops. The demographic of customers we plan on selling to will include women ages 18 – 40. There will also be an exclusive sub division of this clothing line called the "princess" line. I also plan on being the main model represent this particular line. This work great to give my lines exposure as well as myself since I also have a passion for modeling. If all of these pieces fall into place I have other ventures I would like to branch out to.