Friday, September 26, 2014

Week 5 Midterm: Super Bowl Commercial

This Commercial ad is targeting people who use internet, Microsoft to be exact. Microsoft is also trying to target both men and women. They create an emotional effect to attract women while keeping a rugged feeling to keep the attention of men. 

What is shown in this commercial is a bond between a puppy and a horse. A puppy keeps escaping from its cage. Every time it escapes it goes to a stable to see a horse. The horse and the puppy play for a little until the puppy is taken back to its crate. The puppy is then put in a car and is leaving the ranch. The horse sees the car and ‘calls’ the other horses. The horses run and stop the car. The puppy and all the horses return to the ranch and the friendship between the one horse and the puppy grows and becomes stronger. 

The commercial was shown during the Superbowl in 2014. It has been shown on TV and has always been watched many times on YouTube. It takes place at a ranch.

The ad was shown in 2014 during the Superbowl. The Superbowl is always known for having the best commercials of the year. This is why Budweiser showed this commercial at this time. They thought that it would have the most viewers meaning that the impact would be very big. 

Budweiser created this commercial to show the bond that it has with its customers. 


The ad was very appealing to the viewers. It was different than most commercials. Commercials shown at the Superbowl are usually funny but this one has a more serious approach to the viewers. This makes it stand out from the other ads and this is how the ad was so effective. 

Week 10 EOC: What is your creative content going to be?

My billboard/magazine ad is very visually striking and elegant at the same time. I feel like it should show what the car looks like.By giving a lot of visual information, it helps keep the potential customer interested, intrigued and exited to possibly go out and by the car. It also gives the person looking at it a chance to really see the car that they may want to buy. I was interested in getting the point across that this car is full of luxury options and should be taken very seriously. I also especially wanted to get a good visual picture of the car being the focus of the ad. It is also important to not get too caught up in showing off everything about the car but letting the customer wonder a little bit and actually want to get more information or even go into the car dealership to actually go in and see the car for themselves. It is mostly important to really sell the car to the person. You would like for them to be especially excited about the unique features of the car and among other things all of the special aspects of the car. If there was ever a good chance at getting anything across to a customer better than giving them a good visual of a car but not giving out to much more information. It was a good thing to show the customers a good amount of information in order for them to get a nice perspective on the car that they would like to buy. This is always good to get the people looking at the ad excited about either finding out what this car is or being able to find out how they can see it for themselves and potentially by it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Week 8 EOC: Joan Rivers Relevent To Fashion

Joan Rivers was a woman that had a huge impact on fashion in the industry. It is because of her that we consider the Red Carpet a type of event. Before Joan Rivers, celebrities would just walk down the Red Carpet and people did not really bother to ask them what they were wearing. This all changed with Joan Rivers. “To create something fresh, you need to know what has already been done” (Advertising By Design, 107). Joan Rivers knew that she needed to bring something new and fresh to the Red Carpet so she made an effort to figure out who and what the celebrities were wearing. “Very basically, in advertising, telling is narration—events conveyed by a narrator or presenter; it is also called diegesis or summary. Showing is mimetic, directly visually or dramatically representing events; it is also calledmimesis or scene” (Advertising By Design, 110). She would personally interview celebrities and create a scene with them so they could have a conversation and entertain people. This helped make her idea have more of an impact. As time went on, Joan Rivers appeared on the show Fashion Police. It was unlike any other fashion show. She advertise herself and fashion by lecturing viewers. “In a lecture a product or service is featured by discussing it; a brand is presented for your consideration, typified with a presentation by a talking head, where the presenter talks at or to the viewer, announces, describes, highlights, declares, states offers, or provides information, still or in motion in any media” (Advertising By Design, 110). Joan Rivers would discuss the daily fashion trends and critique people’s outfits. This was sometimes good and sometimes bad. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind. Due to all of this, Joan Rivers had a tremendous impact on the fashion industry. If it wasn't for her, the Red Carpet wouldn't be the ‘Red Carpet’. 

1.     "Chrysler 200, Dodge Avenger Enter Production" Retrieved 2011-01-09.
2.      "2015 Chrysler 200"www.fueleconomy.govUnited States Department of Energy. Retrieved April 21, 2014.

Analysis of Project in the Real World

I firmly believe that my project would have great success in the real world. I look to bring more than just a logo, but let the consumer actually see the product there for letting them get a god look at what they may or may not buy. It is always a good thing to give the customers a good look at what they could possibly have. This new model is very stunning and has features that say nothing more than “this car is a luxury car.” Among other things, I hope to bring attention to the new style of the car and the slogan speaks for the overall feeling of having a brand new Chrysler 200. “If you were to entertain a different construction of an event, you could behave “as if” that construction were real, thus exploring possibilities within that frame.” (Advertising By Design, 35).In the long run this project shows all of the qualities of being a successful eye catcher when it comes to letting the people see, and therefor choose for themselves whether or not they want to go out and purchase this new car. It is not easy to just say all of a sudden that you would like to go out and buy a car but, this advertisement, I believe has the overall potential to actually have the person viewing it think about buying it. Now a days, getting people to be excited about buying a car have changed, people cannot afford to pick and choose when they want to buy a car, however this product is very reasonably priced, and can be obtained by the everyday ordinary American. “Seeing a situation, brand, organization, product, service, or behavior from a different perspective (reversal) can help stimulate ideas” (Advertising By Design, 36). Also this ad has a lot of visual information as far as the exterior of the car. I believe that this ad can be used to get a very big set of people excited about driving a car that they would not normally think of buying. It is important to let the people get what they want and a car like this would be good to be in any person’s garage.

Creative Content

My billboard/magazine ad is very visually striking and elegant at the same time. I feel like it should show what the car looks like. “Display type functions as a dominant typographic component and is usually large or bold. Titles and subtitles, headlines and sub headlines, headings and subheadings are all set in display type” (Advertising By Design, 129). By giving a lot of visual information, it helps keep the potential customer interested, intrigued and exited to possibly go out and by the car. It also gives the person looking at it a chance to really see the car that they may want to buy. I was interested in getting the point across that this car is full of luxury options and should be taken very seriously. I also especially wanted to get a good visual picture of the car being the focus of the ad. It is also important to not get too caught up in showing off everything about the car but letting the customer wonder a little bit and actually want to get more information or even go into the car dealership to actually go in and see the car for themselves. It is mostly important to really sell the car to the person. “A campaign must have visual impact, whether a visual surprise, graphic interest, visual drama, or a breakthrough appearance” (Advertising By Design, 204). You would like for them to be especially excited about the unique features of the car and among other things all of the special aspects of the car. If there was ever a good chance at getting anything across to a customer better than giving them a good visual of a car but not giving out to much more information. It was a good thing to show the customers a good amount of information in order for them to get a nice perspective on the car that they would like to buy. This is always good to get the people looking at the ad excited about either finding out what this car is or being able to find out how they can see it for themselves and potentially by it.


I feel that there are so many different ways to promote this car. There are commercials both TV. And radio advertisements that can be ran all throughout the day, putting the idea of buying the car in the persons head. It is always good to be able to leave a lasting impression on consumers by using a repetitive strategy, also making the consumer remember at all times that there is a brand new product around that they should definitely find out more about as soon as possible. Another good way of advertising this product is with internet ads and on other social media sites. It would be an extremely good thing for the ads to be shown on all the newest social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. “Brand fans abound on social networking sites. People view brand videos on YouTube and share them with friends. Sharing links to humorous micro–Web sites is commonplace. Using mobile devices to send photos of oneself enjoying a branded experience is not unusual. Millions of free branded applications (apps) have been DOWNLOADED. Offering deals to brand fans on FaceBook and Twitter further endears a brand to such fans” (Advertising By Design, 11). The more people that see this car the more likely they will have a positive buzz. This also gives the ad a chance to be shared by interested customers as well as people who have already purchased the vehicle and want other people to enjoy what they have already been able to enjoy. Facebook, for example would be an awesome way to get the ball rolling on this campaign because of the fact that it would be easy for the ads to be seen at all times on the side of their screens. Also the opportunity to share and post ads on other people’s sites as well as their own helps the ad be seen by even more people at a time. And finally YouTube would be a great way to get their point across when it comes to getting attention from other sources such as people at their jobs that are on the computer or just online browsing or shopping. “Commercial advertising promotes brands and commodities by informing consumers; it is also used to promote individuals, groups, corporations, manufacturers. Commercial advertising takes many forms, from single PRINT advertisements to campaigns in any media to sponsorships to branded utilities” (Advertising By Design, 7).Getting this type of attention gets the idea even more implanted into the potential customer’s minds as they take every necessary step to get what they need from the ads.

The Big Idea

I believe that this ad has the potential to make a big impact on the automobile market. This particular car is so unique and shows a lot of things that a lot of people want to see.“Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Rather than proceeding DIRECTLY to the conceptual development stages, our study benefits greatly from a discussion of the process of finding insights” (Advertising By Design, 68). The main reason why it is such a good idea  for this company to really promote this car in the market as well as get the name out and really push for this to be the next big idea when it comes to cars. Remaining ahead of the game at most ends of the car business will always be good to help out with always remaining different and more innovative than other competitor companies such as Ford and Chevy. “Advertising is used in a free-market system to promote one brand or group over another” (Advertising By Design, 3).Most of the other major companies do have an upper hand on the game when it comes to multiple varieties of different cars. These newer model Chryslers have the looks of luxury with the price of an ordinary new car. It is so good for this company to have these king of competitive prices because it will always draw in new people and old customers as well. At the end of the day the main reason for this ad is to obviously sell cars, but to ultimately sell this car before any other car is sold. Therefor by giving an enhanced visualization of this car will remain to be an excellent way of coming up with new customers. The plan will always be to sell the cars and with this ad =, everything seems to be in perfect place for a real idea like this to take off.